… By interpreting these houses and their distinctive characters, five dual terms (dyads) have been first defined to describe and accentuate ideas before their form: introverted/extroverted, natural/ cultural, open/closed, representative/non-representative, vertical/horizontal. Additionally, five types, namely “tower”, “block”, “island”, “villa” and “borgo” are associated with each of these houses. Existing elements undergo transformations that amplify their inherent characters when linking abstract themes and urban paradigms. These analogical transformations test limits and possibilities of ‘the’ model Pompeiian Domus, as well as individual typological and spatial characters of these specific five houses. As a reductio ad absurdum, this inductive process aims to demonstrate the timelessness of urban principles for the contemporary city. Although referring to a specific idea of a dense per-insulae city, the a-topical nature of the exercise broadens the possibilities for these transformed Pompeiian houses to generate other imagined urban structures or confront themselves with the landscape. Each transformation embeds within itself urban aspirations: the house as a city, the city as a house. Thus, the analogical Casa dei Capitelli colorati block and Casa del Fauno island assume the dimension of the Pompeiian insula and aspire to an urban texture of courtyard blocks, or to emerging complex buildings and freed objects in Nature. Casa del Poeta tragico-tower and Casa detta della seconda Fontana villa evoke cities of singularities: a turreted city and a garden city. Casa di Sirico borgo, displaced into an imaginary countryside, still yearns to group together to form a rural settlement – or start a city…
Autor: Uwe Schröder, Nicola Carofiglio, Franziska Kramer
Titel: Five Pompeiian Houses as Urban Ideas
Sammelband/Zeitschrift: in: Visconti, Federica (edited by): Houses and the Analogy. Learning from Pompeii (View from the North)
Verlag: Thymos Books
Ort: Naples
Datum: 2023
Seite(n): S. 80-81, S. 95.
ISBN: 978-88-32072-38-9
Anmerkung: Mit Illustrationen der Studienarbeiten von: Jakob Lenke (S. 34-35), Konstantin Overdiek (S. 60-61), Georges Reiser (S. 52-53), Tim Schell (S. 40-41), Johanna Waechter (S. 28-29)